What is the Valentine Wrestling Club?
The Valentine Wrestling Club is a program to teach children the fundamentals of
wrestling, sportsmanship, teamwork as well as handling individual achievements and
Is wrestling dangerous?
Wrestling, like most physical education & activities, does have its share of injuries much
like soccer, gymnastics, track, baseball, & football. All of these physical activities do have
appropriate rules to prevent injuries. Wrestlers can protect themselves by learning the
rules of wrestling. Most opponents of wrestling mistake our sport for what is seen on
television (professional wrestling) and or have missed opportunities to watch wrestling at
the elementary, high school, college, world, & Olympic levels.
Does my child need diet to make weight?
No child is encouraged or recommended to maintain a certain weight.
How can I or my child become involved or participate?
We have a registration form you fill out to sign up. If you are unsure wrestling is for your
child, we offer one week of practice free as long as the child has a current AAU
card. You may also contact any of the Board Members or the coaches of the
Valentine Wrestling Club.
Where is practice held?
Practice is held at the Valentine High School Wrestling Room.
What should I bring to practice?
You should wear a t-shirt, shorts and wrestling shoes. Also wear long pants and
sweatshirt, hat, coat etc. due to winter weather.
What if I cannot afford to buy wrestling shoes?
We have some shoes available. Or you may wear tennis shoes that you only wear at
practice and tournaments.
Do you compete in tournaments?
Yes. We compete in tournaments starting in January until April. With a few Dual Meets
Do you have to compete in tournaments?
No, you do not have to compete in tournaments until you feel ready to if at all.
What are the benefits of putting my child in your wrestling program?
Your child will learn: self-discipline; teamwork; persistence; general health, exercise, &
nutrition; fair play; self-motivation; goal setting; leadership skills; and how to apply critical
thinking. This program is designed to help students discover their potential.
Are girls allowed to participate?
Yes, girls are allowed and encouraged to participate.